Member of Techno Group
About Techno Core:
Grounds 40,000 Sq.M, Covered area 3,000 Sq.M Situated in Sednaya, 30km north of Damascus.
Founded in 2006. The factory produces spiral pipes for the Sewage Network with Internal Diameter sizes:
500mm, 600mm, 700mm, 800mm, 900mm, 1000mm, 1100mm, 1200mm, 1400mm, 1500mm, 1600mm and 2000mm. Also produces manholes according to DIN 19537.

HDPE Spiral Pipes:
For Sewer Networks produced under the trade mark name TECHNOLENE OUT ...

Manholes Manufactured according to DIN 19537.
The Manholes are tailor made to fit the required heights and the Inlets and outlets sewer pipe...