Member of Techno Group
Techno Fit - PE Drip Tape:
For Irrigation Networks. Our drip tape is made out of Black PE material. Our PE flexible Drip tape produced in 500M coils.
Our PE flexible Drip Tape is made out of an inner tube of 16mm and an outer labyrinth. The water flows in the inner tube and every 30cm there are five tiny filters and an opening for an off take of water that goes through an integrated labyrinth that is parallel to the main tube.
The water flows in the labyrinth in a turban like motion. This design insures that no sedimentations occur and the labyrinth is always clear we have a drip opening out of the labyrinth every 30cm.
The advantages of this system is that the flexible tape helps pulsating the movement of water thus producing a minimal friction so the loss of pressure along the pipe is minimal therefore the required working pressure for this system is low and a pressure of 1 to 1.5 bars is sufficient. This system allows a length of more than 120m of tape to be used at one run
We manufacture all the necessary accessories that are required for connections.